Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Conversion

Tonight, it happened: I became a runner.

I heard once that if you asked a group of people if they were runners, the majority would say no. If you then asked the same group if they ran, the majority would say yes.

For the last two years, I've had an on-again-off-again relationship with running. But even in the height of my training stints, I would go out of my way to tell people, "But I'm definitely not a runner."

Tonight that all changed. Somewhere between the lakefront sunset and Kylie Minogue's Dancefloor, it hit me, and I said it out loud so I couldn't deny it later: "I'm loving this run."

I really can't tell you what changed, but I do know that I've never felt that strong for the whole 9 miles. And I liked it.

Some of my friends believe that we create reality with our words. So I'll say it again.

I am a runner.


Erica said...

you are dope. :)

d.schmunk interior design services said...

so grateful to know a REAL runner - m.

Beth said...

i was on that run! it was awesome for me too! could we possibly BOTH be runners? Are we discarding our stretchy pants standard?